Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tim Green Visits GCS

All seemed to enjoy the visit on Friday. READ! It is exercise for the brain...
and it is a lot of fun, too!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Settling Up the Bills

How much does each person pay the others so they each spent the same amount?

QTIPS can help you solve a problem.
This is Shannon C.'s QTIPS.

This is Branden D.'s QTIPS from his composition book.


Check out this video about integers that we used in class today. Catchy tune!

They give you examples of a few integers, and tell you what they are not.
They also tell you some examples of where you might see them in real life.

Welcome back to school!

Assessments, multiplication, mathduko, and problem solving... oh my!

Homework has started, so write down the assignments in your planner and complete them on time. If you did not turn in your survey/parent signature paper yet, make sure to do so.