Sierra K, Stephanie B, Keegan D, Kyle J, Steven S, Marissa N, Alen Q, Zach R, Courtney W, George M, Sierra E, Peter F, and Chris G.
Way to go Eighth Graders!
Parents, make sure to ask your eighth grader what integers are and what they are used for.
Welcome to Groton Middle School's 7th and 8th Grade Math Blog.
MRS. MOREY! omg, hows the new eight graders? i miss u. i miss doing those logic link thingys. they was awesome. well, im glad i atleast made it to 9th grade. and i hate it cuz all the highschool meanys r mean. ha. ya but i gots ma bro so im all good. tell me wats up!
Is My Gradebook set up?
Karol R
Wow, you've got some great students there. What a good list of students and how well they're doing. I heard today in team about some of them and how well they do in math. I love hearing about good students.
so nething new?
im not on there *crying in the corner* joking that skittle thing was fun i went to the store and bough some and chucked at my dad and said taste the rainbow cause mrs james and u didnt let me do it to other classmates
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