Monday, November 12, 2007
An Ending and a New Beginning
It is hard to believe that the first quarter is over! I am very proud of the work that the 8th graders completed this quarter. From logic, journals, notes, quizzes, and tests to homework you prove to be hard workers. Make sure to check out the homework bulletin board this week to see the Homework Superstars for the 1st Quarter.
My Grade Book is available with up-to-date assignments and grades. Check it out! I look forward to hearing student and parent comments and questions on how My Grade Book works. I am still learning how useful a tool it can be!

Progress Reports will be going home with students for parents to sign this week. Signed reports are due back on or before Monday, November 19th for a homework grade. To help understand how grades are figured for Math 8, I am including the course information pages 1 and 2 for your review.
To compute your 1st Quarter Average:
1) Add. the HW ave. + the Quiz ave. + the Quiz ave. + the Test ave. + the Test ave. = TOTAL
2) Divide. TOTAL divided by 5 = 1st Quarter Average
My Grade Book is available with up-to-date assignments and grades. Check it out! I look forward to hearing student and parent comments and questions on how My Grade Book works. I am still learning how useful a tool it can be!

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